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Refereed Publications (N = 39)

Hoewe, J., & Barton, J. (2024). News bias perceptions as impacted by source cues, content cues, and media bias ratings. Communication Monographs. Advance online publication.


Hoewe, J., & Ewoldsen, D. (2023). The Media Use Model: A metatheoretical framework for media processes and effects. Human Communication Research. Advance online publication.


Hoewe, J., Jett, J., Lusvardi, A., & Wiemer, E. (2023). Selection, trust, and the effects of cable news consumption. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 100(2), 392-415.



Wohn, D. Y., Min, S. J., Hoewe, J., & Bowe, B. J. (2023). The impact of online network diversity on familiarity and engagement with social issues news on Facebook. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 12(1), 286-308.


Ewoldsen, D., Hoewe, J., & Grady, S. (2022). A cognitive processing framework for media interpretation. Journal of Media Psychology, 34(2), 65-76.


Sherrick, B., & Hoewe, J. (2022). The roles of congruity, narrative, and identification in sustainability messaging. Communication Research Reports, 39(2), 69-79.


Sherrick, B., Hoewe, J., & Ewoldsen, D. (2021). Using narrative media to satisfy intrinsic needs: Connecting parasocial relationships, retrospective imaginative involvement, and self-determination theory. Psychology of Popular Media. Advance online publication.


Hoewe, J., Panek, E., Peacock, C., Sherrill, L. A., & Wheeler, S. (2021). Using moral foundations to assess stereotypes: Americans’ perceptions of immigrants and refugees. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. Advance online publication.


Hoewe, J., & Bowe, B. J. (2021). Magic words or talking point?: The equivalency framing effects of news coverage conflating “radical Islam” with “terrorism.” Journalism, 22(4), 1012-1030. doi: 10.1177/1464884918805577


Peacock, C., Hoewe, J., Panek, E., & Willis, G. P. (2021). Hyperpartisan news use: Relationships with partisanship and cognitive and affective involvement. Mass Communication and Society, 24(2), 210-232. doi: 10.1080/15205436.2020.1844902


Hoewe, J. (2020). Toward a theory of media priming. Annals of the International Communication Association, 44(4), 312-321. doi: 10.1080/23808985.2020.1815232


Hoewe, J., Peacock, C., Kim, B., & Barnidge, M. (2020). The relationship between Fox News use and Americans’ policy preferences regarding refugees and immigrants. International Journal of Communication, 14, 2036-2056.


Hoewe, J., Wiemer, E., Adekunle, T., Barton, R., Jett, J., & Pijanowski, A. (2020). Linking political TV shows with female lead characters to political engagement: The roles of parasocial processes and gender identity. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(5), 672-692. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2020.1849703


Kim, B., & Hoewe, J. (2020). Developing contemporary factors of political participation. The Social Science Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03623319.2020.1782641


Hoewe, J., & Parrott, M. S. (2019). The power of anger: How emotions predict information seeking and sharing after a presidential election. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 27(4), 272-283. doi: 10.1080/15456870.2019.1614925


Hoewe, J., & Sherrill, L. (2019). The influence of female lead characters in political TV shows: Links to political engagement. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63(1), 59-76. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2019.1570782


Parrott, S., Hoewe, J., Fan, M., & Huffman, K. (2019). Visual framing and its influence on emotions and attitudes: Portrayals of immigrants and refugees in U.S. news media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63(4), 677-697. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2019.1681860


Hoewe, J. (2018). Coverage of a crisis: The effects of international news portrayals of refugees and misuse of the term “immigrant.” American Behavioral Scientist, 62(4), 478-492. doi: 10.1177/0002764218759579


Kennan, S., Bigatel, P., Stockdale, S., & Hoewe, J. (2018). The (lack of) influence of age and class standing on preferred teaching behaviors for online students. Online Learning Journal, 22(1), 163-181. doi: 10.24059/olj.v22i1.1086


Sherrick, B., & Hoewe, J. (2018). The effect of explicit online comment moderation on three spiral of silence outcomes. new media & society, 20(2), 453-474. doi: 10.1177/1461444816662477


Hoewe, J., & Ahern, L. (2017). First-person effects of emotional and informational messages in strategic environmental communications campaigns. Environmental Communication, 11(6), 810-820. doi: 10.1080/17524032.2017.1371050


Hoewe, J., Appelman, A., & Stevens, E. (2017). Mr. Mom in the news: The relationship between stereotypes and perceptions of gendered news stories. Communication Research Reports, 34(1), 11-20. doi: 10.1080/08824096.2016.1224163.


Hoewe, J., & Hatemi, P. K. (2017). Brand loyalty is influenced by the activation of political orientations. Media Psychology, 20(3), 428-449. doi: 10.1080/15213269.2016.1202839


Ahern, L., Connolly-Ahern, C., & Hoewe, J. (2016). Worldviews, issue knowledge, and the pollution of a local science information environment. Science Communication, 38(2), 228-250. doi: 10.1177/1075547016636388

[AEJMC Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Communication Article of the Year Award]


Bowe, B. J., & Hoewe, J. (2016). Night and day: An illustration of framing and moral foundations in the Oklahoma shariah amendment campaign. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 93(4), 967-985. doi: 10.1177/1077699016628806

[Finalist (Top Five), JMCQ Outstanding Research Article of the Year Award]


Hoewe, J. (2016). Using political journalists’ definitions of public opinion to predict source use in political news. Communication Research Reports, 33(3), 247-252. doi: 10.1080/08824096.2016.1187121


Hoewe, J., & Sherrick, B. (2015). Using the theory of reasoned action and structural equation modeling to study the influence of news media in an experimental context. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23(5), 237-253. doi: 10.1080/15456870.2015.1090276


Oliver, M. B., Kim, K., Hoewe, J., Chung, M.-Y, Ash, E., Woolley, J. K., & Shade, D. D. (2015). Media induced elevation as a means of enhancing intergroup connectedness. Journal of Social Issues, 71(1), 106-122. doi: 10.1111/josi.12099


Ware, J., Zeldes, G. A., & Hoewe, J. (2015). News as a cultural mirror: Historically Black newspapers reflecting public views of Loving v. Virginia (1967). Journal of Social Issues, 71(4), 693-711. doi: 10.1111/josi.12144


Hoewe, J. (2014). Memory of an out-group: (Mis)identification of Middle Eastern-looking men in news stories about crime. Journal of Media Psychology, 26(4), 161-175. doi: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000121


Hoewe, J., Bowe, B. J., & Makhadmeh, N. (2014). Broadcasting sharia: American TV news’ illustration of social identity and the emergence of a threat. Journal of Media and Religion, 13(2), 67-81. doi: 10.1080/15348423.2014.909195


Sherrick, B., Hoewe, J., & Waddell, T. F. (2014). The role of stereotypic beliefs in gender-based activation of the Proteus effect. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 17-24. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.05.010


Bowe, B. J., Hoewe, J., & Zeldes, G. A. (2012). An andragogical approach to developing dialogic learning through wikis. Middle East Media Educator, 1(2), 75-85.


Hoewe, J., Bowe, B. J., & Zeldes, G. A. (2012). A lack of balance: An examination of local Detroit, Michigan, newspaper coverage of the 2006 war in Lebanon and the 2008-2009 war in Gaza. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 32(4), 483-491. doi: 10.1080/13602004.2012.744171


​Hoewe, J., Bowe, B. J., & Zeldes, G. A. (2012). Using a wiki to produce journalistic best practices. Communication Teacher, 26(1), 22-32. doi: 10.1080/17404622.2011.625365​


Hoewe, J., & Zeldes, G. A. (2012). Overturning anti-miscegenation laws: News media coverage of the Lovings’ legal case against the State of Virginia. Journal of Black Studies, 43(4), 427-443. doi: 10.1177/0021934711428070


Bowe, B. J., & Hoewe, J. (2011). Clash of coverage: Cultural framing in U.S. newspaper reporting on the 2011 protests in Bahrain. Middle East Media Educator, 1(1), 27-36.


Chavez, M., & Hoewe, J. (2010). Reconstructing public diplomacy in the context of policy, communication, and technology: An examination of U.S.-Mexico border relations. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 25(3&4), 181-190. doi: 10.1080/08865655.2010.9695780


​Chavez, M., Whiteford, S., & Hoewe, J. (2010). Reporting on immigration: A content analysis of major U.S. newspapers’ coverage of Mexican immigration. Norteamérica, 5(2), 111-125.



Invited Publications (N = 2)

Hoewe, J., Brownell, K. C., Wiemer, E. C. (2020). The role and impact of Fox News. The Forum, A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics, 18(3), 367-388. doi: 10.1515/for-2020-2014


Hoewe, J., & Peacock, C. (2020). The power of media in shaping political attitudes. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 19-24. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2019.11.005



Book Chapters (N = 7)

Jackson, D., & Hoewe, J. (forthcoming). Congressional discussions of abortion: Moral framing in context. The year in C-SPAN Archives research. Purdue University Press.


Hoewe, J., & McCullock, S. P. (2020). Stereotypes of immigrants and refugees. In A. C. Billings & S. Parrott (Eds.), Media stereotypes: From ageism to xenophobia. Peter Lang.

[Broadcast Education Association Textbook of the Year Award]


Hoewe, J., & Ziny, M. (2020). Congress and immigration policy: Use of moral language surrounding the Trump presidency. President Trump’s first term: The year in C-SPAN Archives research (pp. 103-128). Purdue University Press.


Hoewe, J., Zeldes, G. A., & Bowe, B. J. (2018). Who, from where? TV network news coverage of immigration and deportation narratives. In R. Gutsche, Jr. (Ed.), The Trump presidency, journalism, and democracy (pp. 101-117). Routledge.


Oliver, M. B., Hoewe, J., Ash, E., Kim, K., Chung, M., & Shade, D. (2014). Media and social groups. In M. B. Oliver & A. Raney (Eds.), Media and social life (pp. 81-97). Routledge.


Chavez, M., & Hoewe, J. (2012). National perspectives on state turmoil: Characteristics of elite U.S. newspaper coverage of Arizona SB 1070. In O. Santa Ana & C. Gonzalez de Bustamante (Eds.), Arizona firestorm: Global immigration realities, national media, and provincial politics (pp. 189-202). Rowman & Littlefield.


Hoewe, J. (2012). The Othering of terrorists: Elite U.S. newspapers’ use of the word terrorist and the subsequent mention of religion. In S. Reinke de Buitrago (Ed.), Portraying the Other in international relations: Cases of Othering, their dynamics, and the potential for transformation (pp. 91-106). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.



Encyclopedia Articles (N = 2)

Hoewe, J. (2017). Manipulation check. In J. Matthes, R. Potter, & C. S. Davis (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of communication research methods. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781118901731.iecrm0135


Hoewe, J. (2016). Loving v. Virginia. In J. Stone, R. Dennis, P. Rizova, A. Smith, & X. Hou (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781118663202.wberen567

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